Why Public Speaking at Events matters for your Business
Public Speaking. Should you or shouldn’t you try and get on that stage? Public speaking could make a difference for you and your company. But why is it important? Why does public speaking matter for you or your company?
When you have been attending events, you might have thought “why do these speakers want to be on stage? What’s in it for them?” You could be wondering what makes them do it. But you could also be wondering if you should go on yourself.
Is it worth speaking on conferences? Either for your own brand or for your company? Does it matter? As a speaker myself, who loves to be on stage, it’s easy to say “yes”. Of course, it’s worth it! And it’s fun as well! But like with many things, you have to back that up. In what way is it worth speaking on conferences?
In two posts I’d like to highlight the benefits of speaking. Both for you as well as for your company. First, we talk about the company, next we talk about the personal benefits of speaking.
This is the first part of the article, read the full article on SpeakwithPersuasion.com
Why is public speaking important for your company?
Often a conference has four types of speakers. There are the independent ones (like myself). There are speakers from brands, speakers from vendors and speakers from agencies. Why would brands, vendors or agencies take the time to go to conferences and speak? They don’t get paid for it, so there mus be something else that makes it worth it.
1. It gets you more sales
Especially for agencies and vendors, the main reason why they send staff to speak at events is sales. They are hoping to get business out of the event. By speaking they want to attract the attention of possible clients.
This often fails. Most agencies or vendors are pitching their products or services. This makes for a bad experience for the attendees. With the consequence that they won’t buy. More and more you do see businesses that ‘get it’. They tell a story, show their brand and based on that, get more business.
They know that when they are on stage, potential clients will see how knowledgeable they are. At networking opportunities (breaks, drinks and dinners) they will then make the connection. That is where they can ‘pitch’.
Though most companies won’t get a lot of direct sales from speaking at events, it does set them up for sales. So when sales matters to you, public speaking matters to you.
2. You can showcase thought leadership
Public speaking is an effective way of getting your message across. It can help you to show thought leadership
Your company exists for a reason. That means you have a ‘message’. A message that goes beyond selling your product. It’s your reason for existence. Spreading this message can be part of the marketing strategy. To try and become a thought leader in your industry is one of the tactics.
What better way to get a message across, than speaking at conferences. You reach people who go to the event as well as those who read about it on blogs.
3. They will write about you: free publicity!
Speaking at events can be a great way of getting free publicity. As said, often there are bloggers at conferences. They report on the talks. And they spread what they heard. Get them to write about your talk, and there is your free publicity!
Often the free publicity doesn’t only come from the bloggers. Organisers want to get as many people as possible in the room. To get that, they will create publicity as well. Make sure you are a part of that! Always agree to get interviewed. Write a guest post. Be part of it!
Keep your eyes open for the personal benefits of speaking article!
PS, make sure to sign up for the unique speaking tips and insights I am giving away. They are for subscribers only!